All files / models dumpsters.ts

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import { Sequelize, DataTypes, Optional, Model, ModelStatic } from "sequelize";
import {
} from "./dumpsterTypes";
import { StoreTypeAttributes, StoreTypeCreationAttributes } from "./storeTypes";
import {
} from "./DumpsterPositions";
import { Categories } from "./Categories";
import { UserAttributes, UserCreationAttributes } from "./Users";
export interface DumpsterAttributes {
    revisionID: number;
    dumpsterID: number;
    position: object;
    name: string;
    dateAdded: Date;
    dateUpdated: Date;
    dumpsterTypeID: number;
    storeTypeID: number;
    locked: boolean;
    positiveStoreViewOnDiving: boolean | null;
    emptyingSchedule: string;
    cleanliness: number;
    userID: number | null;
    info: string;
export interface DumpsterCreationAttributes
    extends Optional<
        "revisionID" | "dateAdded" | "dateUpdated"
    > {}
class Dumpsters extends Model<DumpsterAttributes, DumpsterCreationAttributes>
    implements DumpsterAttributes {
    revisionID!: number;
    dumpsterID!: number;
    position!: object;
    name!: string;
    dateAdded!: Date;
    dateUpdated!: Date;
    dumpsterTypeID!: number;
    storeTypeID!: number;
    locked!: boolean;
    positiveStoreViewOnDiving!: boolean | null;
    emptyingSchedule!: string;
    cleanliness!: number;
    userID!: number | null;
    info!: string;
// Inject Sequelize
export function init(sequelize: Sequelize) {
            revisionID: {
                type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
                autoIncrement: true,
                primaryKey: true,
            dumpsterID: {
                type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
            position: {
                type: DataTypes.GEOMETRY("POINT"),
                allowNull: false,
            name: {
                type: DataTypes.STRING,
                defaultValue: 0,
                allowNull: false,
            dateAdded: {
                type: DataTypes.DATE,
                allowNull: false,
                defaultValue: Sequelize.fn("now"),
            dateUpdated: {
                type: DataTypes.DATE,
                allowNull: false,
                defaultValue: Sequelize.fn("now"),
            dumpsterTypeID: {
                type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
                allowNull: false,
            storeTypeID: {
                type: DataTypes.INTEGER.UNSIGNED,
                allowNull: false,
            locked: {
                type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
                defaultValue: false,
                allowNull: false,
            positiveStoreViewOnDiving: {
                type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
            emptyingSchedule: {
                type: DataTypes.STRING,
            cleanliness: {
                type: DataTypes.TINYINT.UNSIGNED,
                allowNull: false,
            userID: {
                type: DataTypes.NUMBER,
            info: {
                type: DataTypes.TEXT,
            tableName: "Dumpsters",
    return Dumpsters;
// The type is not defined yet, so use a substitute
export function associate({
}: {
    DumpsterTypes: ModelStatic<
        Model<DumpsterTypeAttributes, DumpsterTypeCreationAttributes>
    StoreTypes: ModelStatic<
        Model<StoreTypeAttributes, StoreTypeCreationAttributes>
    DumpsterPositions: ModelStatic<
        Model<DumpsterPositionAttributes, DumpsterPositionCreationAttributes>
    Users: ModelStatic<Model<UserAttributes, UserCreationAttributes>>;
    DumpsterCategories: ModelStatic<Model<any, any>>;
}) {
    // do associations like
    // Thing.hasMany()
    // using the supplied Models object
    Dumpsters.hasMany(DumpsterPositions, { foreignKey: "revisionID" });
    Dumpsters.belongsToMany(Categories, {
        as: "categories",
        // @ts-ignore
        through: DumpsterCategories,
        foreignKey: "revisionID",