Add a dumpster to the database table. When adding, the dumpster does not yet have an ID. A rather complex routine since a revision must be created, and the dumpster's current revision must be set to the one that was added.
The newly posted data, with an ID
Fetches all dumpsters in a given radius around a position (lat, long)
The dumpsters that fit the query
Get one dumpster by ID TODO: Check if SQL injection is still possible after using sequelize.escape() (it should not, especially since the endpoint route requires an ID)
null if not found, a dumpster if found
Get a dumpster's full revision history TODO pagination...
a list of revisions
Change a dumpster's active revision (used to revert to a previous edit in case of mischievous activity)
ID of the dumpster you'd like to update
Revision to revert to
Much like its sibling addOne
this function must handle the revision system properly.
It updates the current revision ID after the update has been completed
– and the update is technically a creation, for that matter.
The updated data
Generated using TypeDoc
Data Access Object for dumpsters